About Me

Sunday, June 5, 2011


So... I know I've been gone for a really long time (a really, really long time :), but hopefully I'll be making more regular posts from now on. As you know, I'm working on a fantasy (though I prefer the term faerie tale) called at  present Red Sea Rising. I'm on a Christian fantasy forum called Holy Worlds, and it's challenged me to really develop my 'world'. So, I'm thinking about posting about the countries I have so far. This first one is Enderellia. The others are: Arvindia, Belvia, Bynthybria, Erasthinia, Lecartin, Rinadrion and the Three Countries of Relastin, Tareth and Anarth.
So, Enderel is the Creator. His name took me forever to come up with. I was writing The War for Erasthinia and  couldn't think of a name. The only ones I was able to think of didn't sound right. Finally, I remembered a character that had an extremely minor role in the story (he was later cut out of it altogether). His name was Sir Enderel. I realized I had had the name right in front of me all the time, so I took that and have used it ever since.
Enderellia is Enderel's country (basically, Heaven).
The idea for it came some weeks ago, while looking up at the clouds and wondering what it would be like if they were actually lands, not just made up of water vapor but countries that were always changing shape but could be lived on. Then I thought, what if that is where Enderel's followers go when they die? So came the name Enderellia. There isn't a whole lot of information about this place, since people only go there after death, so I can't really tell you much about it at the moment. But rest assured, many of the other countries have a lot more detail. So be watching for the posts about them!
If anyone has any ideas on how I could expand on Enderellia, I'd love to hear them :)


  1. The names of all of your countries are just lovely! Very faeri-tale appropriate.
    And I love your idea of a country in/on the clouds! I have actually toyed with similar ideas myself, only not as a place where people go when they die. That is a truly unique idea. I can't wait to learn more about it!

  2. Thanks, Mary :)
    Which country would you like to hear about next: Arvindia, Erasthinia, Rinadrion, or Belvia?
